Title: all this time Wordcount: 200 Rating: g Pairing: jaejoong/yoochun Summary: jaejoong can't seem to find his heart. A/N: i needed to do something before i tore all my hair out. so. also, jaechun \o/ posted on dbsk_flashfic
Title: Wingardium Jijiosa Rating: PG Genre: Crack Pairing: Yunho/Jaejoong Summary: Jiji turns into a dog. Jaejoong is horrified. Everyone else is horrified at Jaejoong. A/N: I blame Elly for the Harry Potter references.
Title: eyes like oceans (we were walking on tightropes from the very beginning) Rating: pg Pairing: jaejoong/changmin Summary: sometimes, it isn't that easy to love something after all. but neither is it that difficult either. A/N: fic ~challenge~ with maxism12 who fails very much. prompt beneath cut.
title: we are golden author: pikasu rating: pg genre: romance pairing: yunho/jaejoong summary: along the underpass to the subway, yunho meets jaejoong, carefree and disquieting like the wind. notes: inspired by chun_ji's do you remember what fearless felt like? and very much dedicated to her as well.